mercredi 23 novembre 2011

Christmas Countdown Guide

By Oscar Calvete

when is the time to start?

Most of us really love Christmas, but this can be a very crazy and busy time for you and your family and by the time December 25 gets here you can be exhausted. The traditions plus a busy lifestyle and conflicting schedules could potentially ruin the whole holiday preparation, so what to do? The key is planning. Look after the little details in advance and I guarantee you that your holiday season will be much more enjoyable.

We reckon that about 12 weeks before Christmas is when you should start getting ready and to help you I have created this weekly breakdown. Week 12: Decide your Christmas budget. Week 11: Organize your mailing addresses for Christmas cards and consider emailing your friends and family. Week 10: Start (or finish!) gift shopping. Week 9: Research ways to donate gifts or time as a family. Week 8: Decide on your holiday dcor, check the decorations you have and list the items to look for in the sales. Week 7: Finalize your holiday calendar, schedule dates and events. Week 6: Decide where your family will celebrate Christmas. Week 5: Design, buy or order your Christmas cards,stamps and address envelopes. Week 4: Decorate your home for Christmas. Week 3: Make meal plans; batch cook and freeze meals for the next few weeks. Week 2: Make, prepare any food gifts . Week 1: Clean the home, prepare for guests or prepare to be a guest

The very first thing you should do is to set a Christmas budget. If you haven't done this in advance, this task can be challenging, but don't panic it is still possible, Trust me, you don't need to rely on credit to have a great Christmas.

When you save a little each month all year, the Christmas season becomes something worth anticipating. Christmas is not an emergency - it falls on December 25 every year, so you know it's coming. Every family has unique circumstances and spending needs but I obviously advocate keeping Christmas simple and stress free.

Plan what you think your Christmas will cost.Create a simple worksheet to clearly show what you are buying and how much it will cost. Little things can easily add up if you don't plan for them and you don't want the debt knocking on your wreath-adorned door when you least expect! Total your spreadsheet line items, and divide it by the months left until December 25th. That's the amount you need to save starting this month to meet your Christmas budget.

So what happens If That Number is Scary? Embrace a Christmas of simplicity to fit your budget, shop around and make the most of all the offers that are available. You can easily make decorations and limit the amount of gifts that you are giving. If you are still short of cash there are lots of businesses that advertise for seasonal jobs, this could give you an extra income with no commitment after the festive season.

And last but by no means least if you haven't started to save for this Christmas start saving for next year. If you start in January saving a little a month it will feel like nothing and you won't have to rely onany credit cards!

Happy Planning and Shopping!

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