samedi 13 avril 2013

Eighty Three - Game Halloween Costumes: Thrifty And Modern Adult Halloween Costumes

By Samuel Adam

If you are pressed for an idea with the big day closing in, consider something unusual and easily recognizable. Game Halloween costumes are an excellent option and can be easy to assemble. It is all in your approach. While these have been done before, there are many games, both classic and new, that people will easily recognize. This allows for a number of options for Game Halloween costumes. Make it a tradition by doing a new game each year!

How do you turn a game into a costume? You wear it! Choose a favorite game and use the parts, pieces and accessories of that game as your costume. It can be a game from childhood adapted quickly or a more complex design of an internet game character you play. There is no limit to the number of games that can be interpreted for Halloween.

For games that include smaller pieces and game boards, you could attach these to clothing. Add holes to the top of the game board and loop it around your neck so it dangles in front of you. Sew the smaller game pieces into the sleeves of a sweat shirt. Monopoly might be a good one for this. Sew or glue the monopoly money along each arm so that it rests along the appropriate sides of the board when you hold your arms down at your sides, just like in actual game play!

Games like Twister have layouts that are pliable and easy to use as game Halloween costumes. With strategic cuts you can turn the Twister layout into a tunic or skirt or can choose to become the ghost of Twister. Combine this with tights that match a color of one (or more) of the dots on the layout and you're ready to go trick or treating. Though you could use several layouts to cut and sew a piece of clothing the vinyl is likely to split or tear. Using simple cutouts is best.

Constructing your game Halloween costumes requires destruction of the games. You won't want to use your personal game supply for this but can find many copies available at thrift shops and yard sales. These are often priced cheaply due to a missing piece - but you don't care if there is one less red checker or one chess piece lost. You won't miss it. Ebay is another source for games but local sales may be the most inexpensive option.

For the younger generation game costumes might be designed to mimic a character from their favorite video game. Whether choosing a scene from a game or the Master Chief of Halo, these can be as complex or simple as your imagination can design. Fabric stores and craft shops carry materials suitable for recreating a gaming Warrior or a silver Pinball from an arcade game. Part of the fun of this type of Halloween costume is your ability to make your character clearly recognizable or to give the impression of the character so your friends will have to guess who you are. Don't forget to add a headpiece as this one accessory can truly pull your costume together.

Older people, who had less video game exposure growing up, may have a harder time recognizing who you are supposed to be when wearing video game Halloween costumes. However, board games and more traditional and timeless games are usually recognizable by people of all ages.

If party goers are older you might want to stick to board games to avoid explanations of your character to everyone you meet. Edited by Svetchey Sanorols

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