mardi 27 décembre 2011

Advantages of Using Game Copy Wizard

By Melai Gears

Cold December 2005. We experienced a big boom around the world; new Xbox 360 console was released. Game-players and freaks had been queuing for days outside Microsoft and other stores around the globe to guarantee they were given hold of one of the devices. I bought a new Xbox 360 20 GB Pro for my son on Christmas day. Actually it was actually the first meet with Xbox 360 but I did not know that it was "the start of the end".

A little bit later Xbox 360 games started to bite the dust. A number of them got scratched, some of them got somehow damaged and a few of them were lost. I was really stressed and pissed off because I spent 2 month's salaries on the games. I was truly uninterested in spending cash on such things. My boy was also stressed due to the fact that virtually all games were not available. He could be a fireball and My opinion is that often he is not so neat but these games are really frail. Once I had played Fifa 2007 and after 1 or 2 hours of playing, it stopped suddenly.

I began to seek in Web how to deal with this awful situation. Not only I had the following problem, thousands of game-players were trying to find some remedy for "dead discs" and were asking the right way to copy Xbox 360 games.

I had been testing tons of programs for duplicating cds and dvds for a month. Sadly there were some special protection systems on the disks and I was not able to copy them. I have opted to bite the bullet and continue buying Xbox 360 games.

Once I was "Googling" for some game and I have found 2 programs called Game Copy Pro and Game Copy Magician. Developers of these both programs promised that these sorcery programs will go through protection.

I made up my mind to buy a Game Copy Pro - this was my mistake, I bet on the wrong horse. I don't mean that Game Copy Pro can't copy Xbox 360 games I mean Game Copy Wizard is quicker and quality of the copied games is far better. However Game Copy Wizard has some cons too. Game Copy Magician is very user-friendly but interface might be a little better. I have blown over this meaning bankruptcy situation and have found suitable solution.

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